Easy Steps to Make Cheesy schotel mie the Delicious Delicious

Easy Steps to Make Cheesy schotel mie the Delicious Delicious

  • Anisa Wrisnijati
  • Anisa Wrisnijati
  • Feb 18, 2022

Good morning here me will give you a recipe cheesy schotel mie which is appetizing The way making it is very not too difficult. You just need to be careful to get results from cheesy schotel mie which has aroma and taste that can evoke our tastes.

So that the result of cheesy schotel mie, what needs to be done is start from the type of material, next selection of fresh and good ingredients, to how to processing and serving it. No need doubt if want prepare cheesy schotel mie delicious as long as you know the tricks and how to make this dish you can become treat very special.

Ingredients and seasonings used in make
  1. Use mie basah (potong kecil2)
  2. Prepare bawang bombay
  3. Prepare wadah kornet beef (aq pake pronas uk sedang)
  4. Use wortel uk kecil, potong dadu
  5. Prepare jamur kancing, potong tipis
  6. Prepare daun bawang, potong tipis2
  7. Prepare Gula garam lada dan penyedap
  8. Prepare keju cheddar (aq pake kraft krn lebih gurih) parut (1/2 utk adonan mie, 1/2 utk saus bechamel)
  9. Prepare susu segar/uht
  10. Prepare telor uk besar
  11. Prepare Saus bechamel:
  12. Prepare susu segar/uht
  13. Prepare mentega
  14. Use tepung terigu
  15. Take Oregano
  16. Prepare Gula garam lada penyedap
  17. Prepare Keju parut untuk taburan

Bigtupperbrewing - Keju dan segala makanan yang dipadu padan dengannya seperti tidak pernah habis bikin kejutan dan buat para pecinta keju deg-degan. Begitu kira-kira pertanyaan yang selalu terlontar tiap ada menu berbahan keju yang kembali hits di masyarakat. Masukkan pala, garam, gula dan kaldu bubuk. Rebus macaroni hingga al dente, matang tetapi tidak sampai lembek dan jangan over cooking.

Instructions to cook Cheesy schotel mie:
  1. Rebus mie basah sampai aldente. Tiriskan
  2. Tumis bawang bombay, jamur, wortel dan kornet dg mentega sampe harum. Masukkan daun bawang. Masukkan susu dan telur. Aduk rata. Tambahkan gula garam lada dan penyedap.
  3. Masukkan mie basah lalu campur rata. Taruh di loyang pyrex yg sudah diolesi mentega.
  4. Saus bechamel: lelehkan mentega dg api sedang masukkan tepung terigu, aduk2 sampai menggumpal. Masukkan susu dan keju. Tambahkan gula garam penyedap sedikit aja. Tambah oregano. Aduk rata sampai saus mengental.
  5. Siramkan saus bechamel diatas adonan mie. Lalu taburi dengan keju parut
  6. Oven dengah suhu 180 dercel selama 30 menit api atas bawah. Sambil dilihat2 ya. Jangan overcooked kaya gini
  7. Angkat dari oven. Dinginkan dulu baru dipotong ya. Kalo ga lengket. Selamat menikmati
  8. Done and ready to serve!

Tidak perlu membilas macaroni dengan air dingin. How to make: First, boiled the dried elbow macaroni. After the macaroni is boiled, move the macaroni into an empty bowl. Secondly, heat the butter and mix it with the flour. After mixing with the flour, pour the milk inside and the grated cheddar.

I say thank you for reading the recipe that we convey on this page. We have high hopes we Hope it’s useful and good luck!