Recipe 05# Schotel mie (no msg) the So Delicious Really delicious

Recipe 05# Schotel mie (no msg) the So Delicious Really delicious

  • PawonAy
  • PawonAy
  • Feb 20, 2022

Good morning here me will give you a recipe 05# schotel mie (no msg) which is interesting The way making it is very easy. You just need to be careful to get results from 05# schotel mie (no msg) which has aroma and taste that able evoke our tastes.

So that the result of 05# schotel mie (no msg), what needs to be done is start from the type of material, then selection of fresh and good ingredients, to how to processing and serving it. No need doubt if want prepare 05# schotel mie (no msg) delicious as long as you know the tricks and how to make this dish able be treat very special.

Ingredients and seasonings required in make
  1. Take mie telor
  2. Prepare bawang bombay
  3. Prepare bawang putih
  4. Prepare sosis
  5. Prepare daging giling(kebetulan ad sisa segitu😁) /(skip)
  6. Prepare telor kocok lepas
  7. Prepare wortel potong dadu kecil"
  8. Use keju parut
  9. Prepare susu cair
  10. Prepare tepung terigu
  11. Take kaldu jamur
  12. Use garam
  13. Use lada
  14. Use 🍀topping
  15. Take Daun bayam
  16. Prepare Keju mozzarella
  17. Use Oregano
How to make:process 05# Schotel mie (no msg):
  1. Rebus mie,angkat,sisihkan.
  2. Tumis bawang putih dan bawang Bombay hingga harum lalu masukkan sosis,daging dan wortel.
  3. Campur susu dg tepung terigu dan keju parut aduk sampai tepung trcampur rata lalu tuang kedalam tumisan tadi.masukkan kaldu jamur dan garam beri oregano sedikit.
  4. Setelah sedikit mengental masukkan mie aduk rata sampai menyusut dan mengental,matikan kompor
  5. Lalu masukkan telor kocok aduk sampai merata. masukkan kedalam alumunium foil cup /wadah tahan panas.
  6. Beri toping bayam,keju mozzarella dan taburi dg oregano.
  7. Panggang didalam oven dv suhu 170 Derajat Celcius,selama 30menit.
  8. Done and ready to serve!

I say thank you for using the recipe that I convey on this page. We have high hopes we Hope it’s useful and good luck!