Easy Steps to Prepare Bomboloni the So Delicious Can spoil the tongue

Easy Steps to Prepare Bomboloni the So Delicious Can spoil the tongue

  • ricke a
  • ricke a
  • Nov 24, 2021

Good morning here we will give you a recipe bomboloni which is delicious The way preparing it is very very easy. You just need to be careful to get results from bomboloni which has aroma and taste that can evoke our tastes.

So that the result of bomboloni, what needs to be done is first from the type of material, then selection of fresh and good ingredients, to how to processing and serving it. No need doubt if want prepare bomboloni delicious as long as you know the tricks and how to make this dish can be serving very special.

Ingredients and seasonings required in make
  1. Prepare BAHAN ADONAN :
  2. Prepare 325 gr tepung protein sedang
  3. Prepare 75 gr tepung protein tinggi
  4. Use 50 gr brown sugar/palm sugar
  5. Prepare 3 gr garam
  6. Prepare 50 gr mentega
  7. Prepare 7 gr ragi
  8. Use 150 ml susu cair
  9. Use 2 butir telur
  10. Take 1 sdt ekstrak vanila
  12. Prepare 250 gr susu cair
  13. Prepare 250 gr cream
  14. Prepare 80 gr gula pasir
  15. Prepare 3 butir kuning telur
  16. Take 1 butir telur
  17. Use 30 gr maizena
  18. Prepare 1 sdt garam
  19. Take 50 gr mentega tawar
  20. Prepare 1 sdt ekstrak vanila
  21. Prepare 100 gr Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream atau selai cokelat lainnya
  22. Prepare BAHAN LAINNYA :
  23. Take Palm sugar untuk taburan

When serving bomboloni for dessert after an Italian meal, pair with a cup of espresso or even a sparkling red wine from the Piemonte region of Italy. Bomboloni are made with simple store cupboard ingredients including; flour, eggs, butter, milk, sugar, vanilla, fast action yeast, salt and pastry cream. How to Make Bomboloni - Step by Step Procedure: Bomboloni Step-by-Step. Put the milk in a bowl and mix in the yeast.

Instructions to make Bomboloni:
  1. Campur tepung protein sedang, tepung protein tinggi, ragi, dan brown sugar, aduk rata
  2. Tambahkan susu dan telur, aduk menggunakan mixer atau uleni dengan tangan hingga membentuk adonan.
  3. Tambahkan mentega dan garam, uleni hingga kalis. Diamkan adonan selama 30 menit hingga mengembang
  4. Giling adonan setebal 1 cm lalu cetak dengan ring cutter atau bulatkan manual. Diamkan lagi selama 30 menit hingga mengembang.
  5. Buat filling custard : Didihkan susu, gula, garam, dan ekstrak vanila. Campurkan telur dan maizena, aduk rata lalu saring. Tuangkan sedikit susu yang mendidih ke adonan telur, aduk rata lalu tuangkan ke panci susu. Masak dengan api kecil sambil terus diaduk hingga mengental. Simpan di wadah lalu tutup permukaannya dengan plastic wrap.
  6. Setelah custard dingin, sisihkan sebagian dan campur dengan Ovomaltine Crunchy Cream.
  7. Panaskan minyak di api kecil, goreng donat hingga cokelat keemasan. Angkat dan tiriskan.
  8. Hangat² gulingkan donat ke palm sugar hingga rata.
  9. Lubangi bagian samping donat menggunakan sumpit, lalu semprotkan custard menggunakan piping bag.
  10. Donat Bomboloni siap disajikan.
  11. Done and ready to serve!

In another bowl, mix the flour, sugar, water and lemon zest together. Add the yeast and butter then stir well. My first experience with eating a Bomboloni was an evening out with friends. It all started out as a walk along the boardwalk and then a delicious experience with a soft donut, that was filled with a creamy vanilla pastry cream. Italian deep-fried doughnuts known as bomboloni are one of the traditional sweets of the Carnival season, but nowadays they can be prepared throughout the year.

how ? Easy isn’t it? That’s the prepare bomboloni that you practice at home. Congratulations enjoy