Easy Steps to Prepare Day. 197 Mie Kuah Saos Tiram dan Ayam Goreng Tepung (12 month+) the Can Spoil the Tongue Delicious

Easy Steps to Prepare Day. 197 Mie Kuah Saos Tiram dan Ayam Goreng Tepung (12 month+) the Can Spoil the Tongue Delicious

  • Novia Diana Ayu Wulandari
  • Novia Diana Ayu Wulandari
  • Apr 28, 2021

Good afternoon here me will give you a recipe day. 197 mie kuah saos tiram dan ayam goreng tepung (12 month+) which is delicious The way making it is very not too difficult. You just need to be careful to get results from day. 197 mie kuah saos tiram dan ayam goreng tepung (12 month+) which has aroma and taste that able evoke our tastes.

So that the result of day. 197 mie kuah saos tiram dan ayam goreng tepung (12 month+), what needs to be done is first from the type of material, then selection of fresh and good ingredients, to how to processing and serving it. No need doubt if want prepare day. 197 mie kuah saos tiram dan ayam goreng tepung (12 month+) the delicious as long as you know the tricks and how to make this dish can become serving very special.

Ingredients and seasonings used in prepare
  1. Use mie telor, rebus
  2. Prepare 🍜 Ayam Goreng Tepung
  3. Take fillet ayam seukuran telapak tangan bayi, potong dadu
  4. Prepare bawang putih bubuk
  5. Use garam
  6. Use parsley bubuk
  7. Prepare tepung terigu serbaguna
  8. Take maizena
  9. Prepare minyak kelapa
  10. Prepare 🍜 Kuah Saos Tiram
  11. Prepare daun pokcoy, iris tipis
  12. Prepare wortel ukuran sedang, potong memanjang
  13. Use jamur champignon iris
  14. Take bawang putih, cincang halus
  15. Use bawang bombay ukuran kecil, iris tipis
  16. Prepare daun bawang ukuran kecil, iris tipis
  17. Prepare air
  18. Use saos tiram
  19. Take minyak kelapa
How to make:process Day. 197 Mie Kuah Saos Tiram dan Ayam Goreng Tepung (12 month+):
  1. 🍜 Ayam Goreng Tepung: Baluri ayam dengan bawang putih bubuk, garam dan parsley bubuk hingga rata. Diamkan selama 15 menit. Tambahkan minyak kelap, aduk rata. Tambahkan tepung terigu dan maizena, aduk rata. Goreng hingga matang.
  2. 🍜 Kuah Saos Tiram: Tumis bawang putih, bawang bombay dan daun bawang dengan minyak kelapa hingga layu. Masukkan jamur champignon, aduk rata. Masukkan pokcoy dan wortel, aduk rata. Tambahkan air dan saos tiram. Masak hingga matang.
  3. Sajikan dengan mie telor yg telah direbus sebelumnya.
  4. Done and ready to serve!

how is this? Easy isn’t it? That’s the prepare day. 197 mie kuah saos tiram dan ayam goreng tepung (12 month+) that you try it at home. Hope it’s useful and good luck!